Regular maintenance is for those who would like an occasional tidy-up or year-round garden care. This includes bed and border maintenance, small to medium shrub and tree pruning and winter rose pruning.

Cooperative maintenance is for anyone who still loves to garden but needs a little extra help while doing so. Most beneficial to the elderly, those with restricted mobility (temporary or permanent) or those simply wanting the reassuring presence of another person whilst working in the garden. This can be particularly comforting for people who have lost a loved one with whom they once shared the gardening tasks with.

I offer two types of maintenance:


What makes Grow Wild Gardening different?

Environmentally conscious maintenance which doesn't compromise on care and quality.

Passion for improving your garden by increasing biodiversity, improving soil health and lowering maintenance requirements.

An independent business which is interwoven with permaculture ethics and principles.

Extensive use of non-powered hand tools for pollution and noise reduction.

The benefits of hiring a wildlife-friendly gardener:

Aside from keeping your outdoor space neat and tidy, a good gardener can also advise you on ways to improve it. I actively encourage my clients to utilise mulches, install water butts and grow perennials to reduce their maintenance load which in turn saves them time, money and benefits the environment. Adding a pond or other habitat alongside plants for birds or pollinators can boost biodiversity and potentially provide a natural solution to garden pests in time.

Although I am not currently offering full garden makeovers as a singular service, I am able to work with long term maintenance clients in updating and redesigning their gardens. Working in this way allows me to better understand both you and your garden in order to tailor any design work more specifically to your needs, personal style and the requirements of your outdoor space as I get to know it across all four seasons. This approach aligns with the permaculture principles of 'small and slow' and 'least change for greatest affect' - utilising observation as an important tool in surveying a space before attempting to change it and avoiding making changes where they may not be necessary.

Ready to transform your outdoor space?

Copyright © Jessica Bell / Grow Wild Gardening 2023